Friday 27 September 2013

Rough Storyboards and Animatic

New blog!!!!!

Ok so I have a new blog for my level 3 animation project. check it out:

I will still be updating here too with my work but if you want to see the whole thing and everyone else's work from my group go take a look :)

Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Witching Hour- concept art

Some of my concept art work for Ahn Sgig and his world.

a photomontage

 Some environmental scribbles, testing out colours and using adjustment layers to create different effects and atmospheres:

original colour

orange gradient and texture

blue gradient and texture

orange gradient and texture

orange gradient and texture, saturated

blue gradient and texture

blue gradient and texture

original colour

digital doodle of the Snakes surrounding Ahn Sgig at the city gates. 

some more digital doodles, trying to capture the atmosphere of Crogue Togue. 

monster doodle... 

and abstract shapes.

Psychedelic Crogue Togue.

'The Witching Hour'- research

each of us in the group had to go and do our own research based on the story and the inspirations/styles we wanted to use.

here are some of the pages from my sketchbook and concept art.

'The Witching Hour'- Script



On a dark and windy evening after everyone else has returned home, Ahn Sgig remains drinking in a dive bar outside of the ’Crogue Togue’ city limits. A clock outside indicates the time as 10:50 and posters that adorn every possible surface surrounding indicate the danger that begins at the hour of 11. They read:

"Beware the Snakes of Tambourine", "City Gates close at 11
sharp" and "Miss the gates and miss your soul!"

Ahn Sgig is finally kicked out by the landlord. He stumbles around in a drunken haze and realises the peril that he is in. He starts to head towards the city.


Ahn Sgig is well on his way home. Struggling to stay upright he hurries to get to the gates in time. He is oblivious to how close his predators are as they form from the shadows behind him. The atmosphere is tense. The backgrounds become a mess of abstract forms, Clocks ticking and more posters indicating the imminent danger. Soundtrack enhances the atmosphere and builds to a crescendo.


In the distance Ahn Sgig sees the gate still open. Elated, he speeds up relieved that he’s made it but as he approaches the sound of cogs indicate the start of its closure and before he gets to it, the portcullis crashes down. He pounds on the bars desparate to get in. Everything is all of a sudden very quiet, he has given up hope and will have to find a solution to his problem. Subtle shadows form around him. He sighs and turns around to realise he is surrounded by ’The Snakes of Tambourine’ who tower above him. He buckles in terror.


Ahn Sgig and 'The Witching Hour'

For the 30 second animation I choose to work on a different project called 'The Witching Hour'.

Its about the character Ahn Sgig, whos is dead and is out drinking in a tavern on the outskirts of the city, Crogue Togue. He forgets about the witching hour, 11pm- midnight, and must make it back to the city before the Snakes of Tambourine appear to devour those left outside the city gates.

Here is the pitch my class mate, Ross, gave to us:

and he also gave us a list of inspiration, stuff that has inspired his style and this story:

Al Hirschfeld

Albert Uderzo

Andre Franquin

Windsor Mckay - Little Nemo in Slumberland

George Herriman - Krazy + Ignatz

Occult Art/Iconography
European Calligraphy, Blackletter
Islamic Calligraphy, Art/Architecture
Art Deco
Art Nouveau
Illuminated Manuscripts (Like book of kells but not Celtic, more Germanic)
Eastern European (Russian, hungarian, romanian, bulgarian etc.) Art/Architecture/traditional dress.
Medieval design (furnitire, architecture, suits of armour etc)
Gothic Art/Architecture
Byzantine Art (for interesting layout approaches)
Vintage Halloween photos/postcards/decorations
Old Lantern Designs
Old Clocks.

Things To watch:

The Mad Doctor - mickey mouse short
Bimbo's Initiation - betty boop
Lonesome Ghosts
The Skeleton Dance
Scaredy Cat - Porky & Sylvester
Quay Brothers - The Calligrapher, Street of Crocodiles, Rehearsals for extinct anatomies.
Early Felix the Cat (pre 1940)

websites of note:

Pirates: Character design




Lucky Rabbit: