Monday 21 April 2014

The Damsel visual development

The Damsel mood boards

The Damsel


A mighty and valiant knight in shining armour races across the land, on his mighty steed, towards a tall and slender tower where a helpless princess awaits rescue from her prison. Just as he thinks he certain to save the princess, he is confronted by a mighty and fearsome foe, a huge snakelike dragon. With bloodcurdling cries they fight to the death. Will the knight prevail and save the princess or will he end up as dinner?

A mighty knight in shining armour, on his loyal steed, speeds towards a very tall and slender tower. At the top of the tower is a helpless princess, begging to be rescued from her prison.
As soon as he enters within the proximity of the tower he is suddenly confronted by a fearsome foe. A huge snake-like dragon erupts from the ground beneath him, releasing a blood curdling roar. They fight, the dragon at first having the absolute upper hand, however the knight manages to slay the dragon.
Victorious the knight quickly goes up the tower to claim his prize. Once he reaches the princess’s chamber he’s greeted by a beautiful princess, who gestures him to come closer. She grabs him passionately for a true loves kiss, near the windowsill where she has been waiting for him her whole life.
The knight keenly leans in for the kiss but is pushed out of the towers window by the princess. He falls into the mouth of the thought to be defeated dragon, and is swallowed whole. The dragon spits out his bones, into a huge pile of human skeletons, hidden at the back of the tower. The dragon rises to the princess’s window and receives an affectionate stroke and kiss from the content princess.

Tag line
“The girl who screamed help”


Scene 01

The knight is riding across the land. Pushing his horse at an unyielding pace as he desperately tries to reach the princess in the tower, screaming for help.

Scene 02
At the tower

The knight arrives at the tower, skidding to a halt, to see the princess compose herself and smile at him seductively. In a grand gesture he draws his sword and shouts “I will save you”. However the princess is so high up in her tower, that even when she leans out she can only hear a muffled shout.

The knight, feeling cocky and manly, throws his sword to the ground and leaps from his horse. Just as he takes one step towards the tower, the ground and tower begin to shake.

Then from the ground just in front of the knight, erupts a giant snake like dragon, which towers over him and his horse. The Knight, now scared, takes cover behind his horse, proving that he is not truly a brave and fearless knight.

The dragon swipes the horse out of they way and enters battle with the scared knight. By luck or by chance the knight thinks he has slain the dragon and moves towards the tower door.

The dragon makes a big deal of dying and land heavily on its back with its tongue rolling to the side (he is a great actor)

Scene 03

The knight climbs the stairs, eager to claim his prize.

He reaches highest room and bursts through the door, looking very smug and victorious, to see the princess posing by the window.

She gestures fro him to come closer to receive his true loves kiss.

At seeing this he moves quickly towards her, lips pursing, waiting for her kiss.

As he closes his eyes and blindly leans in for his kiss the princess pushes him out of her tower window and into the waiting jaws of her mighty dragon below. The dragon swallows the knight whole and spits/burps back up his helmet.

He then uses his knife to dislodge the knight’s skull, which he places on a massive pile of bones (almost as tall as the tower) behind the tower.

The princess looks fondly at her dragon and gives him a kiss on the head.

He then disappears behind the tower and she resumes her position at the, screaming for help.