Thursday 28 February 2013

3D bouncing ball

So I finally got my 3D bouncing ball put together in an animation. Here it is:

Colouring and line clean up

I have started doing some work for some of the 4th year students, which includes colouring their frames on Photoshop and doing some line cleanup for them. The short I'm working on is for a film called the Keeper and it has some lovely animation in it as well as a really nice story.

Check it out the production blog for the Keeper project and take a look for the animatic.

I'm really looking forward to seeing the final film :)

animated features

As part of semester 1 we had to chose a film in pairs to research and present to the rest of the class. it was to get us thinking about the film as whole. How each part comes together and who is responsible and how they achieved it. My partner and I chose to do the Legend of the Guardians. A film I enjoyed and I knew a lot of people in my class hadn't seen it.

here are some images from my sketchbook:


The reason I chose it was because although it was beautifully stunning and some of the animation was amazing I felt that it was a difficult film to connect with and the story was not as strong as it could have been, which lead to a lot of debate and divide in my class. Some loved it and some hated it.

For this project we actually contacted one of the animators who worked on this piece to ask him some questions specifically about the animation and what it was like working on the piece. We got some really good responses from him. He told us what it was like to work on a film like this and what it was like animating the characters.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

life drawing portraiture

some more from my life drawing class where we got to do some portraiture! :)

Flour Sack

After the walk cycles we had to bring a flour sack to life. Here are some of my sketchbook pages showing my research. 

We also did an acting workshop based on movement and how we could convey and emotion from a gesture. In this brief we had to give weight and personality to the flour sack. 

I chose to make my flour sack drink. 

Really enjoyed this project as we were able to be a bit more creative as well as learning the basics in character animating and using things such as dope sheets and story boards. 

walk cycles

Just a quick catch up on my uni work.
Here is some of my research for the walk cycles. I looked at Richard Williams book, the animators survival guide, and Eadweard Muybridge’s figure in motion as well as using my work from our walk cycles workshop and life drawing. 

My finished walk cycles! We were asked to keep them as neutral as possible and keep them as close to the character model sheet as we could. 

The profile walks were the most successful. The Skeleton profile walk was done on 2s and the tube profile walk was done on 1s.

Both front walks were done on 2s. Not as happy with these ones, there a wee bit jumpy and robotic. oh and they lean over to one side too much.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

more life drawing

 Just a bit more from my life drawing. Really enjoying being able to do it again and I’ve seen a lot of improvement already.