Tuesday 12 March 2013

Christmas project

So over Christmas we were given another brief to help prepare us for parts of our semester 2 project.

For the Christmas project we had to look at 3 characters from the world of animation that we thought were memorable. We had to look at why we thought they were memorable as well as looking the appearance and personality of the character and how they fitted into the story or was enhanced by it. We also had to research who created the character, who designed the character and who animated it as well as looking at the directors influence or instruction.

We had to produce a sketchbook about or characters and source clips of our favourite scenes of them. The first character I chose was Jack Skelligton from The Nightmare Before Christmas. 


He scared me when I was a child and I have never been truly been able to forget that however now watching the film I find him an intriguing and complicated character. Although his desire is simple and his wonderment and excitement about Christmas is endearing, I find him to be a selfish and oblivious character. But this does not stop me engaging with Jack and understanding his need for something new and exciting and for this reason, I think,  it is his flaws that make him memorable. Here are some pages from my sketchbook:


my second character was Captain Hook from Peter Pan. I chose him because he is one of my favourite Disney villains. He is cruel, ruthless and completely consumed by his desire for revenge but he is also the biggest fop and is constantly being out manoeuvred by children. My favourite scene is when he is convincing Tinkerbell to reveal Peters hide out, he comes across as a gentleman but you can easily see that it a great act when he loses his temper with the stubborn fairy. 

my last character was Yubbaba from Spirited Away. 

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