Friday 4 October 2013

'The Witching Hour' Colour Script

Colour Script progression:

Colour script beginnings:

I started by thinking what mood/feeling I wanted for each scene and what colour would represent this.

using the base colours as a starting point I built up the scenes. 

Original colour script:

Too bright for the mood we are trying to set in out animation.

Saturated colour script:

The saturation of the colours throughout the animation worked well however the ending had less of an impact.

Mixed colour script: 

Now the ending works and has impact but this time we decided the yellows before the red didn't read well so we changed it for blue tones. I also felt we lost the warmth and the warning from the start being so saturated and I brightened the pub entrance as well as the yellow over the clock to draw attention to it. I also added a blue hue over the top of the red ending to try and keep some of the mood and atmosphere.

Final Colour script: saturated and dark with a vibrant finale :)

Story boards- Ross Fleming, Colour Script- Kerri Targett

I tried to keep the mood throughout the colour script and to show the progression to the big finish.

At the start the colours are warm but dark and muted, the only brightness comes from the safety of the pub interior. As we move through the script the colour turns yellow, a warning of the time along with a flash of lightning, and then to blues as Ahn Sgig makes his journey through forest/marsh. We have another yellowish hue as the world around Ahn Sgig becomes abstract clocks, another warning of the looming Witching Hour. It then builds through blue tone to bright red as the danger increases and becomes more apparent.  It ends with a bright red flash as lightning strikes and the snakes of Tambourine tower over Ahn Sgig, preparing to devour his soul :)

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